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What to Expect During Your First Orthodontic Consultation

What to Expect During Your First Orthodontic Consultation

What to Expect During Your First Orthodontic Consultation

Orland Park, IL – Whether for a child or an adult, starting orthodontic treatment is a significant step. At Orland Park Orthodontics, we ensure that your first consultation is thorough and informative.

1. Initial Assessment: The consultation begins with X-rays and photos of your mouth, followed by a complete oral exam by Dr. Ayas Makki.

2. Discussion of Diagnosis and Treatment Options: Dr. Makki will review the findings with you, explain the diagnosis, and discuss potential treatment options, including their pros and cons.

3. Financial Details: Our financial coordinator will outline your financial responsibilities, insurance coverage, payment plans, and available discounts.

4. Personalized Treatment Plan: We aim for you to understand your diagnosis, treatment plan, schedule, and financial commitments. We’ll answer all your questions to ensure you make an informed decision.

At Orland Park Orthodontics, we value every patient and strive to provide respectful and comprehensive care. Schedule your consultation today.