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What to Do If You Break a Bracket: Essential Tips for Braces Wearers

What to Do If You Break a Bracket: Essential Tips for Braces Wearers

What to Do If You Break a Bracket: Essential Tips for Braces Wearers

Orland Park, IL – If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of a broken bracket while wearing braces, you’re not alone. At Orland Park Orthodontics, we understand how worrying this situation can be, but there’s no need to panic. Dr. Ayas Makki provides these helpful steps to manage a loose or broken bracket effectively.

1. Assess the Situation
If you notice a loose bracket, start by examining the extent of the damage. Since all your brackets are connected by the same wire, check if any others are at risk of coming loose. If you find any that are about to fall off, carefully remove them and keep them safe.

2. Minimize Discomfort
To alleviate any irritation caused by the loose bracket or bent wires, apply orthodontic wax. This wax can cushion the area and reduce discomfort. For wires that are poking or irritating, try using sanitized nail clippers or wire cutters to trim the wire behind the last secure bracket. If trimming isn’t an option, use a Q-tip or the eraser end of a pencil to gently reposition or bend the wire back into place.

3. Schedule a Repair Appointment
It’s crucial to address a broken bracket as soon as possible to ensure your treatment continues smoothly. Contact Orland Park Orthodontics to arrange an appointment for re-attaching the bracket and fixing any wire damage.

4. Avoid Common Causes
To prevent future issues with your braces, steer clear of foods that could damage them. Hard, crunchy, sticky, or chewy snacks are common culprits for loosening brackets and damaging wires. Staying mindful of your diet will help keep your braces in optimal condition.

5. Understand the Importance of Timely Repairs
Although a broken bracket isn’t typically an emergency, prompt repair is essential. A missing or loose bracket can disrupt the pressure needed to move your teeth correctly, potentially affecting your treatment progress.

For any issues with your braces, including broken brackets or loose wires, the team at Orland Park Orthodontics is here to assist. Schedule your appointment today.